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The story of the

Domotekhnika redesign

How I improved the UX / UI and redesigned the web and mobile version of the Domotekchnika website

mob preview.png
Web preview.png

Chapter 1

Acquaintance with the project

Domotechnika is 37 stores of digital and household appliances. On average, the site is visited by 11,000 unique users per day.
The task was to make the online store more convenient, user-oriented and Increase conversion. 

My role

Product designer (UX / UI)


10 months


Head of department, front-end, back-end programmers, tester, marketing department.


Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, Jira, Ya.Metrica, Google analytics

Chapter 2


Design thinking

During development, I adhered to the design thinking methodology for more effective work.


To make the site more modern, the user experience more comfortable, to increase the conversion of sales of goods, accessories and services.



During development, it was necessary to actively collaborate and discuss problems and their solutions with colleagues and other departments.

Jobs To Be Done

The main goal of the user is to buy equipment, in a third of cases in installments or on credit. Preferably with delivery and installation service if it is household appliances.

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Chapter 3

User research

Market Analysis

Brought out the pros and cons of competitors and the analysis of such companies as DNS, M.Video, Eldorado, RBT. Unfortunately, I can't open the tables with the analysis.

Target audience

1. Young people (25 - 35) are most often unmarried/single, active Internet users with an average income of 20-35 thousand with the need to buy gadgets, less often buying household appliances.

2. Married couples (30 - 45), most of them have children (1+), are involved in family life. The average income of 30-45 thousand. Solvent with a good credit history. The need to improve living conditions with household appliances, buy gadgets for children.


"I love my family, I am ready to go to anything for her"

- Raise a son
- Make enough time for your family
- Become a good leader

- Buy modern gadgets for my son
- Have good home appliances

Vladimir is a middle manager who strives for a comfortable standard of living for his family, he has a wife and a son, whom he values very much. There is also a dog and a country house.

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Vladimir Vinogradov


Bachelor in management

"The goal that stands in front of me will always be achieved"

User stories


As a student, I want to buy a cheap laptop for study


As an entrepreneur, I want to quickly and easily arrange equipment for my business


Like a good mom, I want to cook the right food with good technique


As the head of the family, I want to give the best technique to my children

Custom path


1. Discover product
User need
Buy a new refrigerator
User think
"I need to find an application in which I can select and order a refrigerator, preferably with delivery and installation"


3. Installing the app
User need
install app
User think
"Well, they have good reviews, I'll try to find the refrigerator I need there"


5. View product
User need
Get acquainted with the information about the refrigerator
User think
"Ok.. this one suits me perfectly"


7. Accept delivery
User need
Admit delivery and pay for the order
User think
"Cool, the refrigerator is sealed, now I can pay for it"


2. Idea
User need
Find an app

User think
"I saw from an advertisement that in Domotechnika you can buy a refrigerator with delivery"


4. See what is
User need
Get acquainted with the assortment and choose a refrigerator
User think
"Hmm, I went to the right category and I can select filters"


6. Registration
User need
Fill in the shipping information and confirm the order
User think
"Finally, my refrigerator will be with me very soon"


8. Rejoice
User need
Plug the refrigerator into a power outlet
User think
"Hooray, finally I have my refrigerator"

Chapter 4


User Flow Warframes





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Product page

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Chapter 5

Solving tasks / problems


Case: Increasing the number of reviews

Task: Increase the number of reviews left
Solution: If the registered user is logged in and 3 days have passed since the purchase, then show a pop-up window with a suggestion to leave a review
Result: The number of reviews left increased by 2.4 times

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Case: Increasing the number of responses to vacancies

Task: Increase the number of responses to company vacancies through the site

Solution: Make a clickable banner to which you can send your response. The banner is activated as needed through the administrative panel. that is, it does not always hang there

Result: Increase in responses through the site by 1.3%. It was 0.2 became 1.7%

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Chapter 6



The average statistics from the month of September to the month of May changed by:

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Many thanks to the team, management and the company for the experience gained, you taught me a lot and gave me the opportunity for self-realization


Thank you

Thank you very much for viewing my work done, you can also see my other projects

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